Nutrafin Test Kits

SKU: A7860
Size: Master Kit
Only 1 piece in stock!

Suitable for fresh and saltwater aquariums.

Master Kit Includes 10 test parameters for: Phosphate, Calcium, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, pH High Range, pH Low Range, Carbonate Hardness, General Hardness, Iron.

Provided in a durable plastic case for extended service life and reagent protection.

Kit also includes: 5 glass test tubes with caps, 2 pipettes, 1 spoon and 4 instruction booklets


Test Range
Phosphate 0 to 0.5 mg/l
Calcium Titration
Nitrate 0 to 110.0 mg/l
Nitrite  0 to 3.3 mg/l
Ammonia 0 to 6.1 mg/l
pH, High 7.4 to 8.6
pH, Low 6.0 to 7.6
pH, Wide 4.5-9.0
Carbonate Hardness Titration
General Hardness Titration
Iron 0.0 to 1.0 mg/l
Nutrafin Test Kits
Nutrafin Test Kits
Master Kit

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